Software Engineer (B.Sc.) with 21+ years professional experience

Hi, I'm Jeffrey Magder. I've worked on projects all over the map from embedded low level driver development in C, to enterprise Java based software, to highly interactive Web 2.0 Single Page Apps (SPA) using JavaScript, Node.js and associated technologies. Most recently I cofounded Powder Finance as their principal engineer, which was accepted into Y Combinator. We built a plethora of AI tools for RIA's, taking advantage of the promises of GenAI and LLMs, saving them time and money, and growing their customer base. Previously I ventured into the world of web3 as the founding engineer of, where I built an entire web3 system (crawler, bridge, web app, etc) allowing people to get loans from their NFT collateral. My broad experience has given me insight and appreciation to common patterns across the development spectrum in many languages. It continues to show me that theories of computation, algorithms, data structures, and general computer science are applicable across all domains vertical and horizontal.

Colleagues describe me as an energetic, positive thinker and problem solver who works very well with others. I live and breathe technology, and find few things as exciting as furthering its development. My work ethic is strong with a proven dedication to product quality and cross-team efficiency. Where possible, I consistently strive for the right fix which is not necessarily the ‘quick’ fix. Instead of just fixing the bug at hand, I like to take it many steps further by looking for other areas of code that may have the same problems.

It's an exciting time to be in the field, with such rapidly changing landscapes. I'm always interested in hearing from like minded companies and individuals who are also interested in moving forward the state of the art as both contract and full time opportunities.

You are welcome to review my resume, or contact me on LinkedIn to discuss potential opportunities.

Web Implementation of Desktop Interface

I also welcome you to view my recent web based implementation of a traditional Desktop Interface, whose source is available here. The project is implemented in React using hooks and local storage for all state management. It contains a window manager, taskbar and taskbar configurator, start menu, a bar chart, pie chart, note taking application, and an NFT Explorer.